아래 소스에서 view group에서 상속받은  (class InCallMenuView extends ViewGroup)를 아래와 같이 표시하니까 폰이 죽어버리는데요.
어떻게 화면에 표시할 수 있을까요?

package com.callingmenu;

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class CallingMenu extends Activity {
 InCallMenuItemView mManageConference;
    InCallMenuItemView mShowDialpad;
    InCallMenuItemView mEndCall;
    InCallMenuItemView mAddCall;
    InCallMenuItemView mSwapCalls;
    InCallMenuItemView mMergeCalls;
    InCallMenuItemView mBluetooth;
    InCallMenuItemView mSpeaker;
    InCallMenuItemView mMute;
    InCallMenuItemView mHold;
    InCallMenuItemView mAnswerAndHold;
    InCallMenuItemView mAnswerAndEnd;
    InCallMenuItemView mAnswer;
    InCallMenuItemView mIgnore;
    private InCallMenuView mInCallMenuView;

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Context wrappedContext = new ContextThemeWrapper(
        mManageConference = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
  //      mManageConference.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mShowDialpad = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
    //    mShowDialpad.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);
        mShowDialpad.setText(R.string.menu_showDialpad); // or "Hide dialpad" if it's open

        mEndCall = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
   //     mEndCall.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mAddCall = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
   //     mAddCall.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mSwapCalls = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
  //      mSwapCalls.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mMergeCalls = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
   //     mMergeCalls.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        // TODO: Icons for menu items we don't have yet:
        //   R.drawable.ic_menu_answer_call
        //   R.drawable.ic_menu_silence_ringer

        mBluetooth = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
   //     mBluetooth.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mSpeaker = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
   //     mSpeaker.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mMute = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
   //     mMute.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mHold = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
   //     mHold.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mAnswerAndHold = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
   //     mAnswerAndHold.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mAnswerAndEnd = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
    //    mAnswerAndEnd.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mAnswer = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
     //   mAnswer.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);

        mIgnore = new InCallMenuItemView(wrappedContext);
     //   mIgnore.setOnClickListener(mInCallScreen);
        mInCallMenuView = new InCallMenuView(wrappedContext, this);
      //  mInCallMenuView.addItemView(mSwapCalls, 0);
    //    mInCallMenuView.addItemView(mShowDialpad, 0);
    class InCallMenuItemView extends TextView {
        private static final String LOG_TAG = "PHONE/InCallMenuItemView";
        private static final boolean DBG = false;

        private boolean mIndicatorVisible;
        private boolean mIndicatorState;
        private Drawable mIndicatorDrawable;
        private Drawable mIcon;

        public InCallMenuItemView(Context context) {
            if (DBG) log("InCallMenuView constructor...");


            TypedArray a =
            int textAppearance = a.getResourceId(com.android.internal.R.styleable.
                                                 MenuView_itemTextAppearance, -1);
            // TODO: any other styleable attrs we need from the standard menu item style?

            setTextAppearance(context, textAppearance);

            // Set the padding like the regular menu items do
            setPadding(3, getPaddingTop(), 3, getPaddingBottom());

        // Visibility: we only ever use the VISIBLE and GONE states.

        public void setVisible(boolean isVisible) {
            setVisibility(isVisible ? VISIBLE : GONE);

        public boolean isVisible() {
            return (getVisibility() == VISIBLE);

         * Sets whether or not this item's "green LED" state indicator
         * should be visible.
        public void setIndicatorVisible(boolean isVisible) {
            if (DBG) log("setIndicatorVisible(" + isVisible + ")...");
            mIndicatorVisible = isVisible;

         * Turns this item's "green LED" state indicator on or off.
        public void setIndicatorState(boolean onoff) {
            if (DBG) log("setIndicatorState(" + onoff + ")...");
            mIndicatorState = onoff;

         * Sets this item's icon, to be drawn above the text label.
        public void setIcon(Drawable icon) {
            if (DBG) log("setIcon(" + icon + ")...");
            mIcon = icon;

            // If there's an icon, we'll only have enough room for one line of text.
            if (icon != null) setSingleLineMarquee();

         * Sets this item's icon, to be drawn above the text label.
        public void setIconResource(int resId) {
            if (DBG) log("setIconResource(" + resId + ")...");
             Drawable iconDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(resId);

         * Updates mIndicatorDrawable based on mIndicatorVisible and mIndicatorState.
        private void updateIndicator() {
            if (mIndicatorVisible) {
                int resId = mIndicatorState ? android.R.drawable.button_onoff_indicator_on
                        : android.R.drawable.button_onoff_indicator_off;
                mIndicatorDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(resId);
            } else {
                mIndicatorDrawable = null;

         * Installs mIcon and mIndicatorDrawable as our TextView "compound drawables",
         * and does any necessary layout tweaking depending on the presence or
         * absence of the icon or indicator.
        private void updateCompoundDrawables() {
            // TODO: There are several hand-tweaked layout constants hardcoded here.
            // If we ever move this widget into the framework (and make it
            // usable from XML), be sure to move these constants to XML too.

            // If the icon is visible, add a bit of negative padding to scoot
            // it down closer to the text.
            if (mIcon != null) {

            // Add some top/bottom padding when the indicator and/or icon are
            // visible (to add a little vertical space between the indicator
            // and the bottom of the item, or the icon and the top of the
            // item.)
            int topPadding = (mIcon != null) ? 5 : 0;
            int bottomPadding = (mIndicatorDrawable != null) ? 5 : 0;
            setPadding(0, topPadding, 0, bottomPadding);

            // TODO: topPadding seems to have no effect here.
            // Regardless of the value I use, the icon image
            // ends up right up against the top edge of the button...
            // (Maybe we're just out of room?)
            // if (DBG) log("updateCompoundDrawables: padding: top " + topPadding
            //              + ", bottom " + bottomPadding);

            setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(null, mIcon, null, mIndicatorDrawable);

         * Forces this menu item into "single line" mode, with marqueeing enabled.
         * This is only necessary when an icon is present, since otherwise
         * there's enough room for long labels to wrap onto two lines.
        private void setSingleLineMarquee() {

        public String toString() {
            return "'" + getText() + "' (" + super.toString() + ")";

        private void log(String msg) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg);

    class InCallMenuView extends ViewGroup {
        private static final String LOG_TAG = "PHONE/InCallMenuView";
        private static final boolean DBG = false;

        private int mRowHeight;

        /** Divider that is drawn between all rows */
        private Drawable mHorizontalDivider;
        /** Height of the horizontal divider */
        private int mHorizontalDividerHeight;
        /** Set of horizontal divider positions where the horizontal divider will be drawn */
     private ArrayList<Rect> mHorizontalDividerRects;

        /** Divider that is drawn between all columns */
        private Drawable mVerticalDivider;
        /** Width of the vertical divider */
        private int mVerticalDividerWidth;
        /** Set of vertical divider positions where the vertical divider will be drawn */
      private ArrayList<Rect> mVerticalDividerRects;

        /** Background of each item (should contain the selected and focused states) */
        private Drawable mItemBackground;

         * The actual layout of items in the menu, organized into 3 rows.
         * Row 0 is the topmost row onscreen, item 0 is the leftmost item in a row.
         * Individual items may be disabled or hidden, but never move between
         * rows or change their order within a row.
        private static final int NUM_ROWS = 3;
        private static final int MAX_ITEMS_PER_ROW = 10;
        private InCallMenuItemView[][] mItems = new InCallMenuItemView[NUM_ROWS][MAX_ITEMS_PER_ROW];

        private int mNumItemsForRow[] = new int[NUM_ROWS];

         * Number of visible items per row, given the current state of all the
         * menu items.
         * A row with zero visible items isn't drawn at all.
        private int mNumVisibleItemsForRow[] = new int[NUM_ROWS];
        private int mNumVisibleRows;

         * Reference to the InCallScreen activity that owns us.  This will be
         * null if we haven't been initialized yet *or* after the InCallScreen
         * activity has been destroyed.
        private CallingMenu mInCallScreen;

        InCallMenuView(Context context, CallingMenu inCallScreen) {
            if (DBG) log("InCallMenuView constructor...");

            mInCallScreen = inCallScreen;

            // Look up a few styled attrs from IconMenuView and/or MenuView
            // (to keep our look and feel at least *somewhat* consistent with
            // menus in other apps.)

            TypedArray a =
            if (DBG) log("- IconMenuView styled attrs: " + a);
            mRowHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(
                    com.android.internal.R.styleable.IconMenuView_rowHeight, 64);
            if (DBG) log("  - mRowHeight: " + mRowHeight);

            a = mContext.obtainStyledAttributes(com.android.internal.R.styleable.MenuView);
            if (DBG) log("- MenuView styled attrs: " + a);
            mItemBackground = a.getDrawable(com.android.internal.R.styleable.MenuView_itemBackground);
            if (DBG) log("  - mItemBackground: " + mItemBackground);
            mHorizontalDivider = a.getDrawable(com.android.internal.R.styleable.MenuView_horizontalDivider);
            if (DBG) log("  - mHorizontalDivider: " + mHorizontalDivider);
       //paul     mHorizontalDividerRects = new ArrayList<Rect>();
            mVerticalDivider =  a.getDrawable(com.android.internal.R.styleable.MenuView_verticalDivider);
            if (DBG) log("  - mVerticalDivider: " + mVerticalDivider);
       //paul     mVerticalDividerRects = new ArrayList<Rect>();

            if (mHorizontalDivider != null) {
                mHorizontalDividerHeight = mHorizontalDivider.getIntrinsicHeight();
                // Make sure to have some height for the divider
                if (mHorizontalDividerHeight == -1) mHorizontalDividerHeight = 1;

            if (mVerticalDivider != null) {
                mVerticalDividerWidth = mVerticalDivider.getIntrinsicWidth();
                // Make sure to have some width for the divider
                if (mVerticalDividerWidth == -1) mVerticalDividerWidth = 1;

            // This view will be drawing the dividers.

            // Arrange to get key events even when there's no focused item in
            // the in-call menu (i.e. when in touch mode).
            // (We *always* want key events whenever we're visible, so that we
            // can forward them to the InCallScreen activity; see dispatchKeyEvent().)

            // The default ViewGroup.LayoutParams width and height are
            // WRAP_CONTENT.  (This applies to us right now since we
            // initially have no LayoutParams at all.)
            // But in the Menu framework, when returning a view from
            // onCreatePanelView(), a layout width of WRAP_CONTENT indicates
            // that you want the smaller-sized "More" menu frame.  We want the
            // full-screen-width menu frame instead, though, so we need to
            // give ourselves a LayoutParams with width==FILL_PARENT.
            ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp =
                    new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,

         * Null out our reference to the InCallScreen activity.
         * This indicates that the InCallScreen activity has been destroyed.
        void clearInCallScreenReference() {
            mInCallScreen = null;

         * Adds an InCallMenuItemView to the specified row.
        /* package */ void addItemView(InCallMenuItemView itemView, int row) {
            if (DBG) log("addItemView(" + itemView + ", row " + row + ")...");

            if (row >= NUM_ROWS) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Row index " + row + " > NUM_ROWS");

            int indexInRow = mNumItemsForRow[row];
            if (indexInRow >= MAX_ITEMS_PER_ROW) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Too many items (" + indexInRow + ") in row " + row);
            mItems[row][indexInRow] = itemView;

            // Finally, add this item as a child.

            ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = itemView.getLayoutParams();

            if (lp == null) {
                // Default layout parameters
                lp = new LayoutParams(android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);

            // Apply the background to the item view

            addView(itemView, lp);

         * Precomputes the number of visible items per row, and the total
         * number of visible rows.  (A row with zero visible items isn't
         * drawn at all.)
        /* package */ void updateVisibility() {
            if (DBG) log("updateVisibility()...");

            mNumVisibleRows = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < NUM_ROWS; row++) {
                InCallMenuItemView[] thisRow = mItems[row];
                int numItemsThisRow = mNumItemsForRow[row];
                int numVisibleThisRow = 0;
                for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < numItemsThisRow; itemIndex++) {
                    // if (DBG) log("  - Checking item: " + mItems[row][itemIndex]);
                    if  (mItems[row][itemIndex].isVisible()) numVisibleThisRow++;
                if (DBG) log("==> Num visible for row " + row + ": " + numVisibleThisRow);
                mNumVisibleItemsForRow[row] = numVisibleThisRow;
                if (numVisibleThisRow > 0) mNumVisibleRows++;
            if (DBG) log("==> Num visible rows: " + mNumVisibleRows);

        /* package */ void dumpState() {
            if (DBG) log("============ dumpState() ============");
            if (DBG) log("- mItems LENGTH: " + mItems.length);
            for (int row = 0; row < NUM_ROWS; row++) {
                if (DBG) log("-      Row " + row + ": length " + mItems[row].length
                             + ", num items " + mNumItemsForRow[row]
                             + ", num visible " + mNumVisibleItemsForRow[row]);

         * The positioning algorithm that gets called from onMeasure.  It just
         * computes positions for each child, and then stores them in the
         * child's layout params.
         * At this point the visibility of each item in mItems[][] is correct,
         * and mNumVisibleRows and mNumVisibleItemsForRow[] have already been
         * precomputed.
         * @param menuWidth The width of this menu to assume for positioning
         * @param menuHeight The height of this menu to assume for positioning
         * TODO: This is a near-exact duplicate of IconMenuView.positionChildren().
         * Consider abstracting this out into a more general-purpose "grid layout
         * with dividers" container that both classes could use...
        private void positionChildren(int menuWidth, int menuHeight) {
            if (DBG) log("positionChildren(" + menuWidth + " x " + menuHeight + ")...");

            // Clear the containers for the positions where the dividers should be drawn
           if (mHorizontalDivider != null) mHorizontalDividerRects.clear();
          if (mVerticalDivider != null) mVerticalDividerRects.clear();

            InCallMenuItemView child;
            InCallMenuView.LayoutParams childLayoutParams = null;

            // Use float for this to get precise positions (uniform item widths
            // instead of last one taking any slack), and then convert to ints at last opportunity
            float itemLeft;
            float itemTop = 0;
            // Since each row can have a different number of items, this will be computed per row
            float itemWidth;
            // Subtract the space needed for the horizontal dividers
            final float itemHeight = (menuHeight - mHorizontalDividerHeight * (mNumVisibleRows - 1))
                    / (float) mNumVisibleRows;

            // We add horizontal dividers between each visible row, so there should
            // be a total of mNumVisibleRows-1 of them.
            int numHorizDividersRemainingToDraw = mNumVisibleRows - 1;

            for (int row = 0; row < NUM_ROWS; row++) {
                int numItemsThisRow = mNumItemsForRow[row];
                int numVisibleThisRow = mNumVisibleItemsForRow[row];
                if (DBG) log("  - num visible for row " + row + ": " + numVisibleThisRow);
                if (numVisibleThisRow == 0) {

                InCallMenuItemView[] thisRow = mItems[row];

                // Start at the left
                itemLeft = 0;

                // Subtract the space needed for the vertical dividers, and
                // divide by the number of items.
                itemWidth = (menuWidth - mVerticalDividerWidth * (numVisibleThisRow - 1))
                        / (float) numVisibleThisRow;

                for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < numItemsThisRow; itemIndex++) {
                    child = mItems[row][itemIndex];

                    if (!child.isVisible()) continue;

                    if (DBG) log("==> child [" + row + "][" + itemIndex + "]: " + child);

                    // Tell the child to be exactly this size
                    child.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec((int) itemWidth, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY),
                                  MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec((int) itemHeight, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));

                    // Remember the child's position for layout
                    childLayoutParams = (InCallMenuView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                    childLayoutParams.height = (int) itemLeft;
                    childLayoutParams.width = (int) (itemLeft + itemWidth);
                    childLayoutParams.height = (int) itemTop;
                    childLayoutParams.width = (int) (itemTop + itemHeight);

                    // Increment by item width
                    itemLeft += itemWidth;

                    // Add a vertical divider to draw
                    if (mVerticalDivider != null) {
                        mVerticalDividerRects.add(new Rect((int) itemLeft,
                                (int) itemTop, (int) (itemLeft + mVerticalDividerWidth),
                                (int) (itemTop + itemHeight)));

                    // Increment by divider width (even if we're not computing
                    // dividers, since we need to leave room for them when
                    // calculating item positions)
                    itemLeft += mVerticalDividerWidth;

                // Last child on each row should extend to very right edge
                if (childLayoutParams != null) {
                    childLayoutParams.height = menuWidth;

                itemTop += itemHeight;

                // Add a horizontal divider (if we need one under this row)
                if ((mHorizontalDivider != null) && (numHorizDividersRemainingToDraw-- > 0)) {
                    mHorizontalDividerRects.add(new Rect(0, (int) itemTop, menuWidth,
                                                         (int) (itemTop + mHorizontalDividerHeight)));
                    itemTop += mHorizontalDividerHeight;

        protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
            if (DBG) log("onMeasure(" + widthMeasureSpec + " x " + heightMeasureSpec + ")...");

            // Get the desired height of the icon menu view (last row of items does
            // not have a divider below)
            final int desiredHeight = (mRowHeight + mHorizontalDividerHeight) * mNumVisibleRows
                    - mHorizontalDividerHeight;

            // Maximum possible width and desired height
            setMeasuredDimension(resolveSize(Integer.MAX_VALUE, widthMeasureSpec),
                                 resolveSize(desiredHeight, heightMeasureSpec));

            // Position the children
            positionChildren(mMeasuredWidth, mMeasuredHeight);

        protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
            if (DBG) log("onLayout(changed " + changed
                         + ", l " + l + " t " + t + " r " + r + " b " + b + ")...");

            View child;
            InCallMenuView.LayoutParams childLayoutParams;

            for (int i = getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                child = getChildAt(i);
                childLayoutParams = (InCallMenuView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();

                // Layout children according to positions set during the measure
                child.layout(childLayoutParams.height, childLayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,
                             childLayoutParams.width, childLayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);

        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
            if (DBG) log("onDraw()...");

            if (mHorizontalDivider != null) {
                // If we have a horizontal divider to draw, draw it at the remembered positions
                for (int i = mHorizontalDividerRects.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

            if (mVerticalDivider != null) {
                // If we have a vertical divider to draw, draw it at the remembered positions
                for (int i = mVerticalDividerRects.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

        public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
            if (DBG) log("dispatchKeyEvent(" + event + ")...");

            // In most other apps, when a menu is up, the menu itself handles
            // keypresses.  And keys that aren't handled by the menu do NOT
            // get dispatched to the current Activity.
            // But in the in-call UI, we don't have any menu shortcuts, *and*
            // it's important for buttons like CALL to work normally even
            // while the menu is up.  So we handle ALL key events (with some
            // exceptions -- see below) by simply forwarding them to the
            // InCallScreen.

            int keyCode = event.getKeyCode();
            if (event.isDown()) {
                switch (keyCode) {
                    // The BACK key dismisses the menu.
                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK:
                        if (DBG) log("==> BACK key!  handling it ourselves...");
                        // We don't need to do anything here (since BACK
                        // is magically handled by the framework); we just
                        // need to *not* forward it to the InCallScreen.

                    // Don't send KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER/KEYCODE_ENTER to the
                    // InCallScreen either, since the framework needs those to
                    // activate the focused item when using the trackball.
                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER:
                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:

                    // Anything else gets forwarded to the InCallScreen.
                        if (DBG) log("==> dispatchKeyEvent: forwarding event to the InCallScreen");
                        if (mInCallScreen != null) {
                            return mInCallScreen.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
            }   {}
            return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event);

        public LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attrs) {
            return new InCallMenuView.LayoutParams(getContext(), attrs);

        protected boolean checkLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) {
            // Override to allow type-checking of LayoutParams.
            return p instanceof InCallMenuView.LayoutParams;

         * Layout parameters specific to InCallMenuView (stores the left, top,
         * right, bottom from the measure pass).

        private void log(String msg) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg);