안드로이드 개발자 구인/구직/홍보 게시판
(글 수 11,900)
ㆍDesign and develop Android mobile apps for connected appliances and IoT devices
ㆍEnsure Software Development Process is followed, and appropriate documentation produced
ㆍImprove and maintain mobile apps already released in the market
ㆍ Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or in “STEM” Majors (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
ㆍ 경력: 3~10년 (Android application development )
ㆍ Oral and written communication skills in English is a plus
ㆍ접수방법 :이메일접수
ㆍ제출서류: 국영문 이력서 1부 (MS Word)
ㆍ채용시 마감
ㆍ기타 문의사항은 e-mail로로 문의 바랍니다.