지난달 아래와 같은 메일을 받았는데요.

게임이 아니고 17세이상 서비스 되는 어플입니다.

메일의 대략적인 내용은 알것 같은데 

어플에서 뭘 업데이트 하라는 건지? 어플 관리정보에서 컨텐츠 등급 재산정에 들어가도 여전히 17세로 등급 판정이 나오는데요.

이거 뭐 어떻게 하라는 소린지 혹시 아시는분 도움 부탁드립니다.

Important update to content ratings for apps targeted to South Korea

Hello Google Play Developer,

Due to a change in Google Play's content rating system for apps targeted to South Korea, one or more of your apps with a current rating of 17 will begin to display a rating of either 16 or 18 starting February 21, 2019. This change is intended to provide a more accurate rating for our users, and to better align with the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) system. You can refer to the IARC ratings value within the latest set of ratings you received in order to determine the new rating of either 16 or 18.

Next steps

Apps with a content rating of 18 will be subject to age verification per South Korean law. If you would like to make changes to your app to avoid the age verification process, please update your app before February 21, 2019.

If you have any questions, please visit the Play Console Help Center or contact our support team.

Affected apps

Affected apps are listed below, up to 20. If you have additional apps in your catalog that you may want to update, please take action before the content rating change goes into effect.