Motorola to develop and sell the “Nexus Two” handset with Google

HTC may have been the first, but they are not the only handset maker to partner with Google to produce a “Google Phone”. Speaking to analysts during Motorola’s Q4 2009 earnings conference call, Co-CEO Sanjay Jha revealed that Motorola will be working with Google to produce a handset which will be sold directly to the consumer and not through a wireless carrier; a distribution method Google launched with the Nexus One. Unofficially dubbed the “Nexus Two”, Motorola’s version of the Google phone will be one of twenty handsets the US manufacturer plans to bring to the market in 2010.

보아하니 넥서스 투 제조사가 모토로라가 될 것이라는 추측이 있네요. 믿거나 말거나...

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