샘플 테스트와 간단한 프로젝트 테스트까지 끝내고 다음 프로젝트에 적용할려고 하는데 에러가 뜹니다.


전에 적용 했던 프로젝트는 에러 없이 결제와 아이템 적용까지 됬었습니다.


에러가 뜨는 부분입니다.


굵고 밑줄그어진 글자에서 에러가 뜹니다 가로안에는 에러 메세지입니다.


dungeons 예제로하면 PurchaseObserver의 115~142 번째 줄입니다.


 void startBuyPageActivity(PendingIntent pendingIntent, Intent intent) {
        if (mStartIntentSender != null) {
            // This is on Android 2.0 and beyond.  The in-app buy page activity
            // must be on the activity stack of the application.
            try {
                // This implements the method call:
                // mActivity.startIntentSender(pendingIntent.getIntentSender(),
                //     intent, 0, 0, 0);
                mStartIntentSenderArgs[0] = pendingIntent.getIntentSender();   (Type mismatch: cannot convert from IntentSender to Object)
                mStartIntentSenderArgs[1] = intent;    (Type mismatch: cannot convert from Intent to Object)
                mStartIntentSenderArgs[2] = Integer.valueOf(0);      (Type mismatch: cannot convert from Integer to Object)
                mStartIntentSenderArgs[3] = Integer.valueOf(0);      (Type mismatch: cannot convert from Integer to Object)
                mStartIntentSenderArgs[4] = Integer.valueOf(0);      (Type mismatch: cannot convert from Integer to Object)
                mStartIntentSender.invoke(mActivity, mStartIntentSenderArgs);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "error starting activity", e);
        } else {
            // This is on Android version 1.6. The in-app buy page activity must be on its
            // own separate activity stack instead of on the activity stack of
            // the application.
            try {
                pendingIntent.send(mActivity, 0, intent);
            } catch (CanceledException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "error starting activity", e);