현재 heloise 버전을 사용 중입니다. 

기계로 apk을 업로드 하려고 하면 아래와 같은 메세지가 계속 출력이 됩니다. 

현재 사용 플랫폼은 윈도우7 64비트 입니다. 

[2010-12-06 11:08:51 - WebViewingStroyboard] Android Launch!
[2010-12-06 11:08:51 - WebViewingStroyboard] adb is running normally.
[2010-12-06 11:08:51 - WebViewingStroyboard] Performing android15.samples.WebViewingStroyboard activity launch
[2010-12-06 11:08:51 - WebViewingStroyboard] Automatic Target Mode: using device 'M1107d50279f'
[2010-12-06 11:08:51 - WebViewingStroyboard] Uploading WebViewingStroyboard.apk onto device 'M1107f'
[2010-12-06 11:08:57 - WebViewingStroyboard] Failed to upload WebViewingStroyboard.apk on device 'M1107'
[2010-12-06 11:08:57 - WebViewingStroyboard] java.io.IOException: Unable to upload file: null
[2010-12-06 11:08:57 - WebViewingStroyboard] Launch canceled!